Tuesday 26 February 2013

Why Choose Others When The Best Is Here?

It takes a lifetime to earn reputation. Well, even if not a lifetime, even then it takes a whole lot of time to build a reputation, which is brand name in case it is a company and not an individual. Samsung has fought hard a long time to take over from Apple as the leader of smartphone maker and it also took excellent research & development, thorough market research and trend analysis, marvellous after sales service and of course devices with superior performance to fetch them their present crown.

If we analyse the history of Samsung, we can see they faced lots of initial problems. Firstly nobody was eager to accept them as a worthy smartphone manufacturer. Then Apple attacked them with copyright infringement and even stopped them from entering USA and made them pay a sum of 1 billion in damages. But when initial users of Samsung devices started to praise it all out and publicly, others started to flock in. And, samsung didnt give up their efforts their. They constantly improved and maintained their excellent track record. This is how they not only attracted new customers but also retained almost every existing user. Today, the smartphone industry swears by Samsung's name.

One more thing which worked heavily in favour of Samsung was their pricing policy. Unlike Apple they never believed in pricing premium. In fact you can find lots of CheapSamsung Mobile in their catalogue apart from the slightly highly priced ones. It enabled many people aspire for Samsung devices. Cheapcontract deals which many UK service providers offered on Samsung devices helped them as well in reaching every corner of the market.